Cashless Facilities | Emergency Contact 02167 - 220233, 223781

Patient Feedback

Feedback From Mr. Surendra Tatke, regarding hospital’s service in Emergency.

On 9th March 2017 GMH witnessed a major trauma case when a 22 year old patient Mr.Vinod Gole came to the emergency department with a fall from a height of 25 ft while trying to access a water tank. The fall lodged him onto an iron fence with the rusted iron angles and wires poked into his right thigh causing a tunnel injury. He was bought to the hospital with the material still impacted into his thigh.
He was immediately operated under general anesthesia. His major muscles of the thigh were torn with a branch of the major femoral artery severed. He was operated successfully by surgeons Dr.Jayaghosh Kaddu (Gen.Surgeon) and Dr.Gajendra Patil (Orthopedic Surgeon) and team.
The patients is now recovering well with his vitals maintained under our medical team.